
Hailes Quarry Park's picture

Dumbryden Drive, Edinburgh, EH14 2AB

Hailes Quarry Park is located between Kingsknowe and Dumbryden housing estates and is well used by walkers, joggers and cyclists as a convenient access between local areas.

The park sits next to the Union Canal and facilities include a play area, outdoor gym, cycle pump track, outdoor classroom and wild life and woodland areas. The park offers an attractive green space used for relaxation and recreation by the local community.

Abington Park's picture

Northampton NN1 5LW

Abington Park is Northampton's oldest and most popular park.

It contains many fine features including Abington Park Museum, sports facilities, a cafe, flower displays, lakes, and a garden for the blind.

Beneath the surface lies the archaeological remains of the old medieval village.