Fun in the Sun | Park Skin Protection
Being a Parker means by definition you will be spending more time outdoors and with this can come benefits to your physical and mental health. In this blog we take a look at how to ensure we can enjoy working-out in the sunshine, year round, whilst staying skin sensible.

Taking sensible steps can mean you have fun in the sun, safely!
Sunscream and summer holidays go hand in hand and very few of us would consider hitting the beach without it rubbed, rolled or sprayed all over to protect ourselves and our families from the sun. But, as the burnt shoulders and noses of many a British park (or pub) goer highlights all too painfully after a sunny weekend is that we need to be using SPF, and the right level for our individual skin types, in the UK.
Yoga International points out that sunlight can improve mood, may prevent us from eating too much, helps stimulate the body’s production of vitamin D and can help clear up skin conditions like psoriasis so the last thing we should be doing is avoiding it.
But often finding the right advice and understanding the UVA/UVB ratings can be tricky.
The NHS advises that in the UK from March to October you:
- avoid direct exposure between 11am and 3pm
- make sure you never burn
- cover up with suitable clothing and don’t forget your sunglasses
- take extra care with children
- use at least factor SPF 30 sunscreen
They also give a handy explanation of the difference between UVB & UVA and how to ensure you are buying suncream that meets the EU standard.

Even in the UK we need to take proper care in the sun.
The British Association of Dermatologists states that just one episode of sunburn under the age of 20 may increase the risk of skin cancer in later life. Yet alongside this dermatologist such as Dr. Robert S. Stern, chair of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, writing in the Harvard Medical School blog details the benefits we can gain from sensible and cautious time under the sun’s rays. This is backed up by our own experience of spending more time exercising outdoors in Our PArks sessions.
Our conclusion on this topic is that by making suncream and protection a daily habit, like brus=hing your teeth in your morning, you can enjoy its physical and mental benefits, wether you are in the park, at the pub or on the beach safe in the knowledge you have taken appropriate steps to protect yourself from skin damage or aging.
Cancer UK gives the following information on the Sun and Vitamin D:
- Our skin produces vitamin D when exposed to ultra-violet (UV) rays from the sun.
- However, the amount of time you need in the sun to make enough vitamin D depends on your skin type, time of day or year and where you are in the world.
- You don’t need to sunbathe to get enough vitamin D. Most people in the UK can make enough vitamin D by spending short periods of time in the sun in their daily life without sun protection.
Below are a some useful facts we picked up whilst researching this piece as well as Parkers’ top recommendations for sun protection.
1) Sun Protections usually have a shelf life of 2-3 years so you can buy it cheap towards the end of the summer and still use it next year
2) You need to ensure your sunscreen protects you both UVB & UVA
3) Even people with naturally darker skin need to protect it from sun damage
4) For added protection apply 30 minutes before going out and again just before you leave
5) Reapply every 2 hours (see the handy stickers reccomended by Parkers below for knowing when times up)
6) If you are worried about sun exposure, speak to your GP
7) When buying sunscreen, the label should have:
- a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to protect against UVB
- at least 4-star UVA protection
Reccomended by Parkers
If you have tips for taking care in teh sun, we would love to hear them - email