I am so very pleased to announce that we will continue parking throughout the winter in all boroughs. This is due to your dedication to Turning Up Toning Up, survey responses and letters of recommendation to continue parking!

Thank you so much for being so supportive I am overwhelmed by how far we have come in such a short period, which is all down to your hard work and consistency in attending the programme.
To those lucky first 50 to complete our evaluate form, I have turned my kitchen into a production line and your free #TurnUpToneUp t-shirt will be with you shortly.
If you haven't completed our "Elevate to Evaluate" survey please do by clicking on the link below before 12noon on Monday 6th October. PLEASE COMPLETE EVALUATION FORM BY CLICKING HERE:
We are asking Parkers to put suggestions forward for a Halloween social on the either the 30th or 31 October.
The idea would be to complete an existing session in fancy dress (not required) and then head off to a local bar for an energy drink. Please post suggestions in the forum by clicking here.
The winter programme will start week commencing 13th October and will be utilising library spaces in the borough to help keep Parkers warm and dry for those calmer classes. Programme details will be in next week's news letter.
The Hackney programme will remain as scheduled until November 2nd when the winter programme will commence. The programme will be called 'Our Spaces' and will utilise indoor space in or around Hackney parks. A PDF of the current Hackney Programme can be found here detailing all time changes.
Tower Hamlets' indoor programme will be announce next news letter but in the meantime all evening classes that were held at Victoria Park, Bethnal and Mile End Park will now take place in Meath Gardens E2 0QL which has a floodlit football pitch 5 minutes from Bethnal Green or Mile End tube, just behind Roman Road. The class details will be updated by tomorrow and I will email you all directions. Click here for directions.
We are in the process of agreeing Parking up until mid Jan for our Victory Parkers to tone up during the winter and speaking with the Health Centre around indoors space for Yoga, ABT and Hula Hoop Fitness as it starts to get colder. We are moving classes to 18:30 where appropriate, but please feed back whether this time is too early, as we understand you need to make it back from work.
Lastly, I am looking for some volunteers to spend a few hours helping out with admin work. We can pay for travel and lunch etc but we are looking for volunteers to help with data and admin during the day. If you have any spare time, please do let me or call 0800 111 4464.
This has been our news, thank you for reading, have a super fit week Parkers.